
Monday, August 12, 2019

Chuck Palahniuk - Make Something Up: Stories You Can't Unread

Audio Book – none

Cervical Smear - (2017) ST CD

Obsessive Fundamental Realism ‎– 001

Cervical Smear - (2019) Real-Death Enthusiast CD

 Filth And Violence ‎– none

P.D. - (1980) Alltag 7''

Wahrnehmungen ‎– 076

The Blackshirt Orchestra - (1986) Ode to the Young Men CS

Zeal SS ‎– 86044 

Vigilantism - (2019) Incessant Authority CD

Freak Animal Records ‎– 113 

Sex Act - (2014) Demo I CS

 Self Released ‎– none

Telepherique & MSBR - (1994) Geplünderte Leichen CS

Drahtfunk-Products ‎– 042

Telepherique / MSBR - (1993) Amalgam 7''

MSBR Records ‎– 004

Telepherique / Contagious Orgasm / MSBR - (1996) Contact #1 CS

SSSM ‎– none

Sorc'henn - (2009) Nvit Ravbe D'Orée CS

Peyote Tapes ‎– 002

Sparkling Wide Pressure - (2019) Yowling Seers

 Lillerne Tape Club ‎– 111

Stracony ‎- (1997) Nowy System CS

Qrva Sistema ‎– none

Stratvm Terror - (1999) The Only True Septic Whore CD

Slaughter Productions ‎– 022

Streicher / Totenrune - (2010) Global Gas Chamber / Bellum Internecinum 10''

Unrest Productions ‎– none 

Support Unit - (2019) Prachanda Path CS

Black Ring Rituals Records ‎– none 

Stress Orphan - (2013) Bog Bodies CS

Ram Horn Records ‎– 047

Scatmother & Chaos Cascade - (2019) Sacrificial Rites Of Devotion CD

Dunkelheit Produktionen ‎– none

The New Blockaders - (1988) Seinsart LP

RRRip ‎– 002

The Vomit Arsonist - (2012) Go Without 2xCD

Assembly Of Hatred ‎– 008

Sirotek / Light Collapse - (2013) Split CS

Torga Amun ‎– 065

Skullflower - (1994) Ponyland 7''

Sympathy For The Record Industry ‎– 275

Sirotek - (2013) Liv and Love

 Autizm ‎– 010

Teeny Bopper - (2007) Perverts CDr

Accretion Disk ‎– 011

Teeny Bopper ‎- (2008) Condom Dump CDr

Not On Label ‎– none

Teeny Bopper ‎- (2008) Double Face Perfector CS

Happy Face Entertainment ‎– 001

Hellhammer - (1983) Death Fiend CS

Prowling Death Records ‎– 001

Henrik Nordvargr Björkk - (2003) On Broken Wings Towards Victory CD

Old Europa Cafe ‎– 061 

Lingua Ignota / The Rita - (2019) Commissioned LP

Total Black ‎– 116 

Linekraft - (2019) Subhuman Principle LP

 Tesco Organisation ‎– 131

Hypoxyphilia - (2019) Degenerate Backwoods Lobotomy CS

Breathing Problem Productions ‎– 109

Human Larvae - (2017) Methods Of Submission CS

 Cipher Productions ‎– 098 

HÖH - (2019) HÖH CS

Pääte ‎– 004

Himukalt - (2018) Knife Through The Spine LP

 Malignant Records ‎– 116 

Himukalt - (2018) Come October CS

Not On Label ‎– none

Heretic Grail - (2019) ST CS

American Damage ‎– 012

Heretic Grail - (2019) The Hole Of Treason CS

Black Psychosis ‎– 018 

Halalnihil - (2017) Hulladékmegsemmisítő CDr

The Level Of Vulnerability ‎– none

Halalnihil - (2011) Collection Of Utter Disgust CDr

The Level of Vulnerability ‎– 007

Halthan - (2017) Strength Through Dis-Ease CS

Obscurex ‎– 030 

Halthan - (2018) Strength Through Dis-Ease CD

Not On Label ‎– none 

Hal Hutchinson - (2012) Wreckage & Reconstruction LP

Unrest Productions ‎– 004 

Händer Som Vårdar - (2011) Bakåtböjning CS

Järtecknet ‎– 004