Retro Plant – 011
Proposed to your attention The Anthology of Jewish Music "Yiddish
Mamma" is the unique encyclopedia of the most popular folk and
author's Jewish melodies and songs In Yiddish recorded in the first
half of the 20th century. You will hear the voices of the well-known
variety performers as well as the actors and actresses of theatre and
cinema, cantors and Klezmers, that have already become legendary.
These over 10 hours original sounding of this music are not only brief
excursus into the history but also an attempt at retention and revival
of the richest heritage of Jewish culture in Russia, Western Europe
and America.
In tsarist Russia and after the October revolution of 1917, few Jewish
songs were recorded and their circulation was very limited in spite of
the fact that numerous Klezmers groups were very popular at the time.
The general catalog of all Russian firms of gram-recording on this
thematic comprises not more than 120 phonograms.
Vol. 1: Popular Jewish Traditionals In Yiddish recorded and issued in USSR in 1903 -1936
01 AlaMbaBa (Intro) - Aaron Lebedeff
02 A Klenichker Vintele - Tatiana Waintroub
03 S'shit A Shney - Kapella Yevokans
04 Mashke - Zinovi Shulmann
05 Traditional Melody - J Kuklis's Orc
06 Die Makhotoniste - Mikhael Appelbaum
07 Triklid - Kapella Yevokans
08 Sher - M Rabinovich's Orc
09 Klezmorimlakh - Mikhael Appelbaum
10 Frailex - Saul Lubimov
11 Ai-Ai - M Staimann & Orc Mgoset Lead L Pulver
12 Afn Oihn Barg - Solomon Khromchenko, A Zibcev
13 Baragold - M Rabinovich's Orc
14 Promenade - Mikhael Appelbaum
15 Gopak - V Jorich's Orc
16 Chabes-Makhen - J Pundik's Cvart
17 Al Ehet - Ober Cantor Jos Basser
18 7-40 - Zonofone Orc
Vol. 2: Jewish Traditionals And Prayers performed By Cantors 1904-1936
01 In Shenkel Arein (Berel Chagy)
02 Hamavdil (Joseph Rosenblat)
03 A Chazendel Oif Shabbes (Arthur Tracy)
04 Havdallah (Gershon Sirota)
05 Shir Hamaalos (Josef Rosenbladt)
06 V'Haarev No (David Roitman)
07 Al Tiro Avdi Yakov (Berel Chagy)
08 Tal (Leib Glautz)
09 Umipney Chatoeinu (Gershon Sirota)
10 Tikanto Shabbos (Mordechai Hershman)
11 Die Negidim Un Die Kabzonim (Mordechai Hershman)
12 Zur Yisroel (Sawel Kwartin)
13 Hashkiveinu (Moses Mirsky)
14 Mi Sheoso Nissim (David Roitman)
15 Hebrev Lied (Sawel Kwartin)
16 Sh'me Yisroel (Moses Mirsky)
Vol. 3: Jewish Folk Ritual And Holiday Songs Pesah And Chanukah
01 Chad Gadyo (Solos Zukot Russel)
02 The Four Sons
03 V'hi Sheomdo (Solo Lee)
04 Ha Lachma Anyah
05 Dayenu
06 Par'O Era Estrellero (Solo B Rowe)
07 Eliyohu Hanovi
08 Cuando D'Aifto Fueron Salidos (Solos Clark Levine)
09 Kadesh Ur'Chatz - Two Versions
10 Echod Mi Yodea - Adir Hu (Solos Arnold Levine Lee Russel)
11 Hayo Haya (Solos Zukof Clark Levine B Rowe)
12 Hanerot Hallalu
13 Mi Ze Y'Malel - Two Versions
14 Maoz Tzur - Two Versions
15 Mi Ze Hidlik
16 Lichvod Chanukkah (Solos Zukof Lee Levine B Rowe)
17 Chanukkah, Oy Chanukkah
18 I Have A Little Dreydle (Solo Clark)
Vol. 4: Satirical And Holiday Songs 1910 - 1935
01 Palestine Lidele (Jos Feldman)
02 Der Rede Und Die Rebetzen (Nellie Casman)
03 Bei Mir Bist Du Schon (Leo Marjane)
04 Shirt Tail Stomp (Benny Goodman)
05 Spielt A Dobridzien (Molly Picon)
06 Tantst Tanst Yidelekh (Abe Schwarts)
07 Purim Scene (Mr & Miss Gutmann)
08 Odessa Mama (Aaron Lebedeff)
09 Passach Shin Sha (Maurice Schwartz)
10 In Indert Johr Erum (Joseph Feldman)
11 Es Fehlt Ihr Die Rozinke (Molly Picon)
12 Zetz (Annie Lubin)
13 Gefilte Fish (Henry Gerro)
14 Bim-Bam (Victor Chenkine)
15 Mazel Tov (Aaron Lebedeff)
16 Des Helige Scheider (Maurice Schwartz)
17 Der Rebe Ella Melech (Sam Silberbush)
Vol. 5: Jewish Songs Of Memory And Sorrow 1910 - 1940
01 My Yiddishe Momme (Sophi Tucker)
02 Eli Eli (Joseph Rosenblatt)
03 Baal Shem Vigul-Nigun (Joseph Szigeti)
04 Es Brent (Emma Schaver)
05 Schlof Schein Mein Vogele (Mr Enirbod)
06 Partisan Song (Emma Schaver)
07 Die Griene Cusiene (Morris Goldstein)
08 Yenke Ken Nit Kochen (Gus Goldstein)
09 Medley Fox Trot (Ted Lewis)
10 Sieben Gute Juhr (Julius Guttman)
11 National Nora (Abe Schwartz)
12 A Brievele Der Mamen (Jacob Lerman)
13 Sehr Gut (Iza Kremer)
14 Recitativ Aus Sulamith (Mr & Miss Zuckerberg)
15 Kol Nidrei (Gershon Sirota)
16 Mejerke L'Enigme Eternelle (Madeleine Grey)
17 Yashke Fuhrt Avek (Abraham Moskowitz)
18 Yaale (Joseph & Henry Rosenblatt)
Vol. 6: Aaron Lebedeff Masterpiecas Of Singing Art 1922 - 1928
01 Odessa Mama
02 Mazel Tov
03 Far Neela Nokh Neela
04 Ruchel
05 Ai-D-Dai-Da
06 Rumania Rumania
07 Skrip, Klezmer, Skrip
08 Yach Tsiri Bim
09 As Men Farzucht
10 Oid Mir Bessarabia
11 Tsen Kopikes
12 Dos Oibershte Fun Shtoisel
13 In Odess
14 Den Rebens Nigun (Elenkrig's Orch)
15 Medley Fox Trot (Ted Lewis)
Vol. 7: Ritual And Dancing Songs And Melodies 1915 - 1933
01 A Khazan A Shiker (Maurice Schwartz)
02 Ich Bin Aborder By Min Weid (Jacob Jacobs)
03 Schlof Schein Mein Vogele (Mr Enirbod)
04 Gefilte Fisch (Henri Gerro)
05 Ai-D-Dai-Da (Aaron Lebedeff)
06 Tsen Kopikes (Aaron Lebedeff)
07 Tanst Tanst Yidelekh (Abe Schwartz)
08 Meshuiginer Mashiakh (Maurice Schwartz)
09 Den Redens Nigun (Elenkrig's Orch.)
10 Dos Oibershte Fun Shtoisel ( Aaron Lebedeff)
11 Die Griene Cusiene (Morris Goldstein)
12 In Odess (Aaron Lebedeff)
13 Yiddisher Charleston (The Gilt Edget Four)
14 Ich Fuhr A Heim (herman Fenigstein)
15 Rushel (Aaron Lebedeff)
16 A Brievele Der Mamen (Jacob Lerman)
Vol. 8: Klezmer's Music 1911 - 1949
01 Dem Rebens Tanz (Art Shryer's Orc)
02 A Heimisher Bulgar (Sam Musiker & His Orc)
03 A Laibediga Honga (Kande's Orc)
04 Heyser Bulgar (Naftule Brandwein)
05 Romanian Fantasy, Part 4 (Josef Solinski)
06 Yikhes (Belf's Rumanian Orc)
07 A Rumenisher Nign (Dave Tarras)
08 Rumenishe Doina (Naftule Brandwein)
09 Buhusher Khusid (Joseph Moskowitz)
10 Simkhas Toyre (Belf's Rumanian Orc)
11 Yoshke fort Avek (Yenkovitz & Goldberg)
12 Mit Der Kalle Tanzen (Art Shryer's Modern Jewish Orc)
13 Galitsyaner Khusid (Mishka Ziganoff)
14 An Eyropeyishe Kolomeyke (Raderman's & Beckerman's Orc)
15 Yiddish Hora - A Heymish Freylekhs (Max Leibowitz)
16 Fon Der Choop (Abe Elenkrig's Yiddishe Orc)
17 Grichisher Tanz (Mishka Ziganoff)
18 Kalle Bezetzns Un A Freilachs (Joseph Cherniavsky)
19 Die Chasidim Forren Tsum Rebbin (Kandel's Orc)
20 Ai Raci Ku Ne Draci (Orchestra Romaneasca-Abe Schwarz)
21 Odessa - Bulgar (Mishka Ziganoff)
Vol. 9: Dave Tarras Masterpieces Of Klezmer's Music 1924-1950
01 Chasidic In America (Moyshe Oysher And Florence Weiss)
02 What Can You Mach S'is America (Aaron Lebedeff)
03 Unzer Toirele (Abe Schwartz Orc)
04 Die Goldene Chasene (Abe Elisteine Orc)
05 A Rumenisher Nign (Abe Schwartz Orc)
06 Hopkele (Seymour Rechtzeit With Abe Elisteine Orc)
07 Pas D'Espan (Russkyi Orkestr Moskva)
08 A Vaibele A Tsnien (Alexander Olshanetsky's Orc)
09 Yiddisher March (Joseph Cherniavsky's Yiddish-Americ)
10 Dem Trisker Rebbin's Chosid (Dave Tarras Trio)
11 Mazel In Liebe (Alexander Olshanetsky's Orc)
12 Die Reize Nuch America (Abe Schwartz Orc)
13 Bridegroom Special (Yiddish Swing Orc)
14 Branas Hassene(Dave Tarras Trio)
15 Kinos, Tkios Un Ashrei (Boibriker Kapelle)
16 A Yid Bin Ich Geboren (Michi Michalesko With Al Olsh)
17 Second Avenue Square Dance (Abe Elisteine Orc)
18 Freilachs (Lou Lockett's Orc)
19 Polka Streldchek (Russkyi Orkestr Moskva)
20 Dem Monastrishter Rebin's Chosid'l (Abe Schwartz Orc)
21 Jtsikl Klezmer (seymour Rechtzeit With Abe Elisteine Orc)
22 Yontef (Annie Lubin)
Vol. 10: Jewish Pop-Art And Theatre In The Beginning Of The 20-th
01 Yontef (Annei Lubin, Dave Tarras)
02 Petrograd (Paul Burstein)
03 Chasene In Tchizeve (Aaron Lebedeff)
04 Hulyet Kinderlech (Molly Picon & Orc)
05 Dem Nayem Scher (Barry Sisters, Seymour Rechtzen)
06 Oy Gewald A ganef (Isa Kremer)
07 In Adyes (Aaron Lebedeff)
08 Schabbes Hamavdil (Saul Meisels, Abe Allstein's Orc)
09 Chasene Tants (Seymour Rechtzen, Dave Tarras)
10 Shpilt A Dobridzen (Molly Picon & Joseph Rumshinsky Orc)
11 Nadir Un Ways (Peisachke Burstein)
12 Oo La La ( Aaron Lebeeff)
13 A Brif Tsum Rebn Fun A Chosid (Master Seymour Rechtz)
14 Fred Mich Nit (Vera Rosanska, Di Yiddishe Shikse)
15 Dzankoje (Benzion Witler, Mendelssohn Ensembie)
16 Az Men Leight Nit Arayn Nemt M (Peisachke Burstein)
17 Shiker Fayfer (Peisachke Burstein, Mendelssohn Ensemble)
18 Vas Du Vilat Dos Vil Ich Oych (Seymour Rechtzen)
19 Katinka (Molly Picon & Orc)
20 Vu Renen Mayne Sibn Gute Jor (Nelly Casman Orc)
21 Men Cen Lebn Nor Men Lost Nit (Peisachke Burstein)
22 Lamtza-Deritsa (Peisachke Burstein)