
Saturday, March 23, 2019

VA - (1983) A Bain Total Sampler Germany CS

Bain Total ‎– 015 

A1 –Camera Obscura   Hand In Hand 11:49
A2 –Die Form Blades 5:49
A3 –Die Form Séquence Mort 1:09
A4 –DZ Lectric Rock'n'Roll 1:01
A5 –DZ Lectric Our Mother Go Into Psychiatry / Our Girl Are Half-Suicided 1:30
A6 –DZ Lectric Le Viol 2:22
A7 –DZ Lectric Révolution Culturelle 6:52
A8 –Étant Donnés Son Sang Juge Cent Morts 6:29
B1 –I.M.M. 4 Hours Before 2:54
B2 –Krylon Hertz Wahnsinn 33 3:55
B3 –Krylon Hertz Châtiment II 1:35
B4 –Krylon Hertz Deliria Nocta 5:06
B5 –Ptôse Production Die Nacht Der Saurier 3:49
B6 –Stigma Diaboli Nova Lustmord 2:18
B7 –D.F. X (Insuline) 2:55

VA - (1983) Rising From The Red Sand Volume Five CS

Statap ‎– 009

A1 –Dave Jones Kirk
A2 –Hula   Black Pop Workout
A3 –Colin Potter Away From The Public Eye
A4 –Smegma Hawaiian War Chant
A5 –David Knight In Place
A6 –Die Todliche Doris Fliegt Schnell Laut Summend
A7 –Radio Free Europe Like I Do
B1 –Sirius B   Is This The End?
B2 –Irsol Reesoning
B3 –Philippe Laurent Et Hop
B4 –Ptose The Big Chief
B5 –DDAA Adios Come Again
B6 –Kopf Kurz Necluus
B7 –Merzbow Envoise
B8 –Conrad Schnitzler Untitled

VA - (1984) Beyond Entertainment CS

 Final Image ‎– 003
A1 –UV Pop Be Yourself
A2 –Fluid   The Song Goodbye
A3 –Son Of Sam Not A Second Wasted
A4 –Tom Fazzini Cradle Song
A5 –Possession Fundamentals I
B1 –O Yuki Conjugate Beyond Control 3
B2 –jhaitb2 Love Song
B3 –Mute Calm Transcontinental Levitation
B4 –391   Why Did Daddy Die? (Part 2)
B5 –The Bisro Band Mixamatosis
B6 –The Eternal Expulsion Of Spirits

VA - (1984) Life At The Top LP

 Abstract Magazine ‎– 004

A1 –A Primary Industry Perversion 4:14
A2 –Pornosect Disinformation 4:42
A3 –Legendary Pink Dots The Lifesucker 2:39
A4 –Attrition The Last Refuge 5:54
A5 –The Loved One A Diet Of Nitro-Gycerine 4:43
B1 –Bushido Extract From Beyond The Great Wall 5:38
B2 –Coil Homage To Sewage 2:13
B3 –Stress   The Prayer Clock 4:12
B4 –Nagamatzu Muslim 3:57
B5 –Muslimgauze Dissidents 4:02
B6 –Possession Performance Parts 1-3

VA - (1985) Sinn & Form CS

 Datenverarbeitung ‎– 015

A1 –Esplendor Geométrico Sin Título
A2 –Esplendor Geométrico Fungus Cerebri
A3 –The Nocturnal Emissions Untitled
A4 –M.B. MUU/NH (Extract)
A5 –P16.D4 Neue Muster
A6 –Kopf/Kurz B.R.'s Experiment
B1 –Ptose Production Écraser La Vermine
B2 –Pseudo Code Wondering Why
B3 –Metadrive Sverige
B4 –Human Flesh Harmonie
B5 –C.T.I. City Of Spirits

VA - (1988) La Chair Entre Les Lignes CS

Les Ballets Mécaniques ‎– 002

A1 –Étant Donnés Transparente Nature 5:05
A2 –Smegma Anatomic Anne 4:01
A3 –Parazites Murder Excerpt From "Runes Liees" 1:08
A4 –Pierre Perret Excerpt From "Gaia, La Terre" 4:23
A5 –SWSW THRGHT Running Risks 0:44
A6 –Emil Beaulieau Fontanaria 1:54
A7 –S.B.O.T.H.I. Die Mùhle 0:34
A8 –Der Akteur Untitled 6:31
A9 –Falx Cerebri Feat. Graf Haufen & Hapunkt Fix Untitled 3:09
A10 –Ritus Birthday Parties 3:46
A11 –The Haters Garbaoal 3:12
A12 –Allimentation Générale Untitled 3:55
A13 –Burden Of Friendship Excerpt From "The Copulation Of Church + State" 5:32
B1 –Organhouse Sumerian Charm Against Daemons That Assail In The Night 5:19
B2 –Organhouse Hecate 5:00
B3 –L'Akstremaunçió Codex Nazareus (1983) 3:23
B4 –L'Akstremaunçió Germans Blaus / Annapel Blau (1983) 1:34
B5 –Psycodrama The Devil Song 2:55
B6 –Psycodrama Jesus In Cabaret 10:04
B7 –Francisco Lopez Paloma Tiene Ahora Ojos Compuestos 7:16
B8 –Comando Bruno Fete Mauresque (Zambra) 6:46
B9 –Comando Bruno Scherzo Minimo 2:06

VA - (1990) Iberico CS

Not On Label ‎– none

A1 –Asmus Tietchens Ponton 2:16
A2 –Hesskhe Yadalanah Udi 8:20
A3 –Hazdam Thinking In The Rain 3:47
A4 –Pornosect The Ritual Of Protection 4:35
A5 –Nocturnal Emissions Seven Bells 3:44
A6 –Hesskhe Yadalanah In Location 2:30
A7 –Bourbonese Qualk Under The Influence 3:12
B1 –Controlled Bleeding Confirmation 3:45
B2 –Somewhere In Europe Never Go Back 3:10
B3 –A La Vollgas Erratum Era, Etc. 3:21
B4 –Lassigue Bendthaus Toxic Hills 2:35
B5 –Johnson Engineering Co. Slammer ! 6:30
B6 –Federal State This Impulse 3:30
B7 –A.N.A.N.A.N.A. Music For An Empty Place 7:10

VA - (1990) Q.E.D. CD

 N.L. Centrum ‎– 001

1 –Laibach Organofonia Ramovš 5:12
2 –Die Form Ataxia 2:52
3 –Z'EV Untitled Excerpt 7:31
4 –SPK Ebony Tower In The Orient 3:35
5 –Radio Rabotnik TV Leader 2:50
6 –Der Plan Kennen Sie Koeln? 3:03
7 –Chris & Cosey Delirium 2 4:56
8 –Het Zweet Tribal Noise 2 3:11
9 –Sprung Aus Den Wolken Anyway, Don't Do The Sport Fuck 2:23
10 –The Hafler Trio Restimulation 2:02
11 –Konrad Becker Mutation-Waltz 2:22
12 –Einstürzende Neubauten Meningitis 5:00
13 –Kleg II (De Executie) 3:54
14 –P16D4 E & E 1:45
15 –Peter Zegveld Gejuich Der Miljoenen 3:35
16 –Etant Donnes L'Esprit Domine L'Etoile 2:02
17 –Code Public Oirat 3:07
18 –Club Moral I Wanna Be Injured: L'Age D'Or No 2 & 3 5:09
19 –S.B.O.T.H.I. C.B.A. 1:56
20 –Test Dept. Demonomania 6:51

VA - (1991) A Gnomean Haigonaimean (A Compilation Of Fantasies Intoxication Concepts) LP

Johnny Blue ‎– 002

A1 –Cranioclast Like A Propeller Running Up 5:13
A2 –Vox Populi! Apapa Lagos 4:05
A3 –David Toop + Max Eastley Fe-Tshun-Ti-Fe (Burial Rites) 4:33
A4 –Arcane Device Giant Steps 2:59
A5 –Osso Exótico Babel Cript 0:43
A6 –Le Syndicat Dissection Fantasie 4:24
B1 –Brume Ormuzd 6:03
B2 –Un Drame Musical Instantané North Eathing South Starving 3:43
B3 –Etant Donnés Cette Rose Qui Tourne Sans Cesse Au Dessus De Mon Coeur 2:34
B4 –P16.D4 (His Second) Night Of Fear 3:54
B5 –Godfried-Willem Raes Murphy 2:02
B6 –Contrastate Through The Lens Of A Mad Eye 3:41

Zombie Project - (1983) Hispaniola 7''

Self-Released ‎– 6827

Test Dept. - (1987) A Good Night Out LP

Ministry Of Power ‎– 003

Scant - (2013) Not Guilty By Reason Of Mental Disease Or Defect CS

Beyond The Ruins ‎– 008

S.B.O.T.H.I. - (1991) Last LP

 Selektion ‎– 021

S.B.O.T.H.I. ‎- (1989) Can The Sound Change LP

Vis A Vis Audio Arts ‎– 009

S.B.O.T.H.I. ‎- (1985) Brakes 'N' Mistakes CS

 Not On Label ‎– none

S.B.O.T.H.I. ‎- (1985) 1/2 CS

Ache ‎– 009

MØHR ‎- (1990) Fasci(st)nation CS

ZNS Tapes ‎– none

MØHR ‎- (1987) Religious Fanaticism CS

ZNS Tapes ‎– none

Katahtonios - (1991) ST LP

 Lashtal ‎– 014 

Iron Youth - (1993) Blood and Gold CS

 Loki Foundation ‎– 002

Hunting Lodge - (1983) Exhumed CS

Datenverarbeitung ‎– 023

Dead Boomers - (2016) Half Windsor CS

Mazurka Editions ‎– 060 

CLau D.E.D.I. - (1984) V.I.T.R.I.O.L. CS

 Misty Circles ‎– 002 

Cinéma Vérité - (1982) Rhythmus Und Ritual CS

YHR Tapes ‎– 026

Cent Ans De Solitude - (1987) Les Enfants De L'Oubli CS

Les Nouvelles Propagandes ‎– 004

Capricorni Pneumatici - (1987) ST CS

666 Production ‎– 001

Capricorni Pneumatici - (1987) N.D.D.D.P CS

666 Production ‎– 003 

Capricorni Pneumatici - (1987) Al-Azif CS

666 Production ‎– 002 

Brain Leisure ‎- (1993) Prefatory Matters CS

Self-released ‎– none

Anenzephalia - (2001) ST CD

 Death Factory ‎– 011

Azoikum - (2002) Tod CDr

 Slaughter Productions ‎– 036

Babyflesh - (2002) Curiosity Killed The Angel CDr

Slaughter Productions ‎– 038

Con-Dom - (1996) Glory 7''

Slaughter Productions ‎– 701

Dead Body Love - (1995) Prayers For The Sick CS

 Slaughter Productions ‎– 051

Deathpile And Whorebutcher - (2002) ST CDr

Slaughter Productions ‎– 024

Discordance - (2003) Toybox CDr

Slaughter Productions ‎– 043

Drift - (1995) The Beyond CS

 Slaughter Productions ‎– 045

Fatal Impact - (1994) Unlimited Vision CS

Slaughter Productions ‎– 014

Instant Cold Commando - (1993) Command The Slaves CS

Slaughter Productions ‎– 018