
Saturday, January 12, 2019

Caligula031 - (2015) Private Venus CS

 Lake Shark Harsh Noise ‎– 008

Campomorto - (2015) ST CS

 Angst ‎– 018

Cancerian Moon - (2017) Demonstration Of Alchemic Knowledge CS

 Left Hand Path Tapes ‎– 023

Cannibal Ritual ‎- (2013) Nudo E Selvaggio CDr

Claustrophilia ‎– 019

Capers - (2014) Slowest Death CS

Team Boro Tapes ‎– none

Capers - (2018) Dregs LP

Förlag För Fri Musik ‎– 011

Captive - (2013) ST CS

Breathing Problem Productions ‎– 041 

Caveman Cult - (2016) Rituals Of Savagery 12''

Larval Productions ‎– 001 

CCR Headcleaner - (2018) ST 7''

Pollen Season ‎– 030 

Cervical Smear - (2017) ST CD

Obsessive Fundamental Realism ‎– none 

Chainfight - (2008) Prison Sweat 2xCS

Chondritic Sound ‎– 212 

Chainfight - (2009) New Swastika CS

 Nurse Etiquette ‎– 053 

Chier - (2015) Innervision

Sex & Death Electronics ‎– none

Christian Cosmos - (2011) Unmaking CS

 Hospital Productions ‎– 332

Christian Cosmos - (2012) Cadence Upon The Threshold Of Judgement CS

Hospital Productions ‎– 349

Christian Cosmos - (2012) Enthronement By God As The First-Born Of The Dead 4xCS

 Hospital Productions ‎– 338

Christian Cosmos - (2012) Which Echo Again And Again 2xCS

Hospital Productions ‎– 350

Christian Cosmos - (2013) The Sharp Lines That Delineate His Robes 12''

Bed Of Nails ‎– 003

Chrome Jesus - (2010) Anti Aquarian CS

Hospital Productions ‎– 279

Chrysta Bell & David Lynch - (2016) Somewhere in the Nowhere 12''

Meta Hari ‎– 069

Church Shuttle ‎- (2016) Aura Deterrent CS

 Vitrine ‎– 025  

Cicadashrine - (2004) Crumpled Multiple Agonies CDr

 Battlecruiser ‎– none

Cienfuegos - (2018) Fallen Angel Back Tattoo CS

Dead Gods ‎– 027

Cinema Perdu - (2018) Fragments Of Echoes CS

Audio. Visuals. Atmosphere. ‎– 060 

Circuit Wound - (2014) Selective Misanthropy CS

Heavy Psych ‎– 059 

Cirrhus - (2015) Cruelty's Necessary Decision CS

CW Productions ‎– 015

Cirrhus - (2011) ST 7''

CW Productions ‎– 003

City Bones - (2009) Our Loss CS

 Self-Released ‎– none

City Bones - (2010) Dead Close CS

 Self-released ‎– none

Clams Casino - (2017) Instrumentals 4

Self-released ‎– none

Climax Denial - (2010) One In The Chamber CS

 Hospital Productions ‎– 270

Clo Goelach - (2010) Cold Womb Of The Grave CS


Clock DVA ‎- (1992) Thirst CS

Contempo Records ‎– 192

Cock Scene Investigators - (2008) Stolen Public Toilets LP

 Trash Ritual ‎– 040

Colleen Green - (2018) Casey's Tape / Harmontown Loops LP

Infinity Cat Recordings ‎– 124

Coma Detox - (2009) Volatile Debasement CS

 Nil By Mouth Recordings ‎– 024

Comme À La Radio - (2018) In The Memory Unit CS

Irrational Tentent ‎– none

Commune Ills - (1999) Untitled CS

American Tapes ‎– 096