
Monday, August 23, 2021

Sadly / Gladly


As of July 12th, 2021 I found out I had a Criminal Protective Order issued against me. Back on 10May2021, but no one bothered to inform me of such a thing. The order prevents me from going within 12 feet of my house at 5716 Genoa Street in Oakland, CA. Where I had been living since August 2007. There has also been 'trouble in paradise' since Dec 2019.

I ain't got access to any of my records, desktop computer, nor any that recording & photo shit I have used to add "content" here. I only got's a Lenovo ThinkPad in this Extended Stay Hotel centered between Target & Best Buy in beautiful Oakland situated right near the railroad tracks & freeway (I-580, i think. idk cuz i ride a bicycle). 

I don't even know. What's what?

Is up or down.


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