
Friday, March 3, 2017

Body Stress - (2017) When Sickness Prevails CS

Fusty Cunt ‎– FUC 169 
Maximized output harsh noise from Denmark.

(A)Sex - (2017) Forced CS

Fusty Cunt ‎– FUC 167
Head on collision US cut-up harsh noise.

Straight Panic - (2017) Homo Will Not Inherit CS

Fusty Cunt ‎– FUC 165 
Anti-breeder power electronics.

CIS - (2017) Tar Heel Transphobia CS

Fusty Cunt ‎– FUC 164 
Anonymous North Carolina industrialized Power Electronics. 
No apologies, not for everyone.
"CIS (or CISgendered) is an autogynephile coinage intended to slur normality."

Koufar - (2017) When The Last One Leaves CS

Fusty Cunt ‎– FUC 163
Hardline Lebanese power electronics.